Written by Mohammad Ali on Wednesday, July 30, 2008

In the field of language planning and policy, when you begin with a slide that focuses on English as an international language and a language of science and technology, then you marginalise other languages and their functions and purposes. For example, the value of national languages, the role and importance of ethnic languages, whether majority or minority ethnic languages.
LPP covers all of these languages in their varied challenging roles and functions. These are languages that are important to some components of society and not highly regarded by others.
LPP focuses on language as both a valuable resource and at the same time a social problem – it is unraveling this dichotomous role that makes the field of LPP so relevant and valuable in multi-ethnic nations, which most nations are in the 21st century. This is what Schiffman draws to our attention in the following slide where you refer to him.

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