Gill`s 2004

Written by Mohammad Ali on Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hi Guys,

If you read Gill`s 2004 "International Communication: English Language Challenges For Malaysia", You will find it very helpful with a clear-to-the-point language that facilitates the understanding of LPP with reference to the situation in Malaysia.

I went through Chpt. 4 in Gill's book 2004. It provided me with a quite clear overview of LPP situation in Malaysia with its different phases. I found myself stopped by the words of Mahathir Mohamad "Learning the English language will reinforce the spirit of nationalism ..." (The Sun, 11 September, 1999) cited on pp 41, T
o my own perception, they carry the practical definition of PLANNING; A goal is determined (prosperity of the country); a method is critically chosen (mastering the language of international communication & development); a realistic defense and verification of the method with vivid convention to nationalism, applying the function of the English language to cope with the purposes set for the development of the country. With such 'thinkers' and decision makers on the top of the government, I realize how could Malaysia, in a very short period of time, reach this remarkable international status in various aspects of life. Thus I realize, as well, the importance of carefully planning the application of language and language policy, in the sense that it does affect the status of the country itself.

However, a deep understanding of the importance of LPP would be the basis for me to work on developing my ideas in the field and its different directions.

I am now trying to prepare a list of the books
relevant to the field. if anyone would like to suggest certain reference that s/he thinks is useful and relevant, please Do.


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