Key Definitions

Written by Mahadi Saran on Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Good day Prof. and hi guys..

Here are the definitions for some key terms in our interesting course.

Language Planning

A specialization in the sociology of language requiring input from economics, demography, education, and linguistics. It is a toolset for language policy measures and it has major application at times of post collonial states. (Phillipson, 2003)

Language Policy

A set of nationally agreed principles which enable decision makers to make choices about language issues in a national, comprehensive and balanced way. (Corson, 1990)

Corpus Planning

Refers to codification of permissible words and forms of language. (Philipson, 2003)

Status Planning

Concerned with attributing a status to a given language. For example, laws of measures specifying the rights of speakers to use their language.

The Process of Selecting a National Language (Holmes, 2001)

1. Selection - Choosing a variety or code to be developed

2. Codification (Corpus Planning) - Standardising its structural or linguistic features.

3. Elaboration (Status Planning) - Extending its function for use in new domains.

4. Securing its acceptance (Prestige Planning) - Enhancing the prestige of the chosen language. For example, by encouraging people to develop pride in the language or loyalty towards it.

Important Functions of a Successful National Language (Holmes, 2001)

1. Unifying - Unify the nation and offer advantages to speakers over their dialects and

2. Separatists - Set the nation off from surrounding nations. An appropriate symbol of separate
national identity

3. Prestige - Recognized as a proper or real language with higher status than local dialects and
vernacular languages.

4. Frame-of-reference function - A yardstick for correctness. Other varieties are regarded as
non-standard in some respect.

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  1. 1 comments: Responses to “ Key Definitions ”

  2. By Hero on August 6, 2008 at 6:32 PM

    you didn't "hi" the girls.. haa haa.. tak tahu.. :p