LPP Article Link 2

Written by Hero on Friday, August 01, 2008

Hi gang,

This is the link to an article on LPP entitled "A Critical Evaluation of Singapore's Language Policy and Its Implications for English Teaching". This is the article I was referring to when I talked about the LPP situation in Singapore during our class today. Kindly click >>here<< to go to the website. Else, you can copy and paste this url to your browser - http://www3.telus.net/linguisticsissues/singapore.html

Happy reading!

ps: I guess we overlooked the class schedule issue when we decided to push the class to 5:15.. :p We're lucky Dr. Prem ended hers early today. :D

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  1. 1 comments: Responses to “ LPP Article Link 2 ”

  2. By Mohammad Ali on August 2, 2008 at 11:22 AM

    Thank you hero for the article. now I can understand your argument during the class and when we went out. you may have the right in a way, but still the LPP situation in Singapore goes in contrast with that in Malaysia. So it would be unfair to judge the consequences of before the implementation. hence the first language is not the same in the both countries. once English is claimed to be the first language in Malaysia, I would then go by you, but for now I can`t support your stand. I wrote a comment on the subject and I request you to read, it is under process, when I am done I ll post to the blog